HERA Awards
Distinguished Service Award
Background and Purpose: This award recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions to the Housing Education and Research Association (HERA).
Nominations: The Awards Committee accepts nomination from any HERA member. In addition, members of the Distinguished Service Awards Committee are encouraged to ensure that all outstanding persons are considered. Nomination process will follow the schedule below.
- June 30th of each year – Name of nominee and documentation must be submitted to the committee chair.
- August 15th of each year – Individual(s) submitting the nomination will be notified.
- October/November of each year – Recipient will receive the award at annual HERA conference.
NOTE: Nominations must be submitted each year. Persons nominated in previous years must be resubmitted in order to be eligible for the award. A person must be nominated by someone other than him/herself.
- The nominee must be a current active member of HERA and have been a member of HERA for a minimum of 5 years.
- Have participated actively in HERA through committee work, offices held, and participation in conferences.
- Demonstrate excellence in their field of work.
- Demonstrate a significant contribution to the organization.
Documentation: Nomination materials should be submitted electronically and should include information organized in the same manner as the sections listed below.
- Evidence of the candidate’s service to the organization.
- A chronological list of work within the organization including: committee memberships, offices held, conference participation, and special assignments.
- Evidence of tasks performed while in an office should be included.
- Letters of support:
- Letters from the nominee’s place of work (administration and co-workers) indicating demonstrated excellence at his/her assigned job. Letters from previous places of employment could be submitted if the nominee is currently retired, unemployed or self-employed.
- Letters from members of HERA who have worked closely with the applicant on HERA-related projects or committees indicating the significance of the nominee’s contribution to HERA (minimum of three).
Selection: Distinguished Service Award Committee should provide a brief summary of rationale for selection of candidate for the Distinguished Service Award at the Mid-winter Board meeting. Only one Award may be presented annually providing a suitable candidate is nominated.
Award: The winner will be recognized during the annual conference with a commemorative plaque or framed certificate.
Submission: Send electronic nominations and submission of required materials to:
Sung-Jin Lee
Kenneth Tremblay Early Career Housing Award
Background and Purpose: Early career housing professionals are the future of the Housing Education and Research Association (HERA). To encourage these young professionals in their career path, HERA has developed the award, titled the Early Career Housing Award. This award shall be granted to an early career housing professional who is demonstrating outstanding efforts in the field of housing through their research, teaching, and/or outreach. This award is established to honor the efforts of a housing professional within the first 6 years of their housing career.
- Applications may be submitted by an individual within the first 6 years of their housing career at a college, university, or agency.
- The applicant must be a current active member (not student) of HERA and have been a member for a minimum of one year.
- Self application is encouraged.
- The following criteria must be met:
- Evidence of outstanding effort and achievement in a housing area through research, teaching, and/or outreach program. The efforts of the applicant may involve one or all of those areas.
- Evidence that the housing program effort is continuous and focused, and involves a current housing issue.
- Evidence of the effort’s potential to make an impact on the housing field or that it has already had an impact.
- Peer recognition of potential contribution to the field of housing and the housing knowledge base.
Application: The award will only be awarded if the Award Committee deems a nomination worthy of consideration. The application should include the following.
- Nomination letter (self or other) highlighting the nominee’s expertise and housing initiative and its impact (1 page maximum).
- Completed application form:
Kenneth Tremblay Early Career Housing Award Application Form (PDF)
Kenneth Tremblay Early Career Housing Award Application Form (MS Word)
- Vita which includes a bibliography that supports the nomination, including referred articles, published reviews, books or monographs, Extension publications, presentations, and other activities resulting from this housing initiative.
- Abstract of the nominee’s housing focus and activities including (3 pages maximum)
- Description of nominee’s housing program addressing the objectives, importance of the work, and potential to impact the field of housing.
- Recognitions received for housing work.
- Two letters of support from someone familiar with the housing work of the nominee and its potential contribution to the field (1 page maximum each).
Award: The winner will be recognized during the annual conference with an award of $325.
Submission: All submission materials including application form, vita, abstract, and letters of support should be submitted electronically by midnight June 30th of each year. Send to:
Sung-Jin Lee
Secondary Education Housing Teaching Award
Background and Purpose: To recognize outstanding housing education efforts at the secondary education level which demonstrate creative ways to teach and involve students in the area of housing education. This could be in the form of a unique housing education activity that is part of a semester long curriculum in housing or other subject matter area, or as a related student activity, such as a Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) club group. The housing activity undertaken must concentrate on a housing topic (such as renting, home purchasing, or other housing issue*) and not focus exclusively on interior design. The activity may be one that reaches beyond the classroom to community groups, or it may involve a partnership or interdisciplinary approach between secondary classes. (*Housing issues may include energy, air quality, safety, special needs, green home products, sustainable design, universal design, lead poisoning, etc.)
- The application may be submitted by an individual or a teaching team. Self nominations are encouraged.
- The activity must currently be a part of the curriculum at the school.
- The activity must have taken place within the past two years.
Judging Criteria:
- Completeness of the project packet
- Stated criteria for the award are met
- Involvement of the students
- Innovative approaches to teaching housing to secondary students are demonstrated
- Partnerships formed, community involvement and/or interdisciplinary approach
- Project or activity evaluation and impact
- Support materials
- Potential for replication in other schools
Application should include:
- Application form. (PDF version) (MS Word version – editable)
- Project or activity outline – Limit to four (4) double-spaced typed pages.
- Introduction
- Project or activity description – content and materials, partnerships, sponsorships, unique delivery method, student involvement.
- Evaluation and/or impact – evaluation methods, known results or impacts, ease of replication at other schools, publicity.
- Supporting materials – lesson guide, learning activities, list of audio/visuals used, planning materials, student generated materials, publicity materials.
Award: The winning secondary education teacher, or team, will be recognized during the annual conference with an award of $300.
Submission: Electronically submit one copy of the project outline with support materials and the application form by midnight June 30th of the submission year to:
Sung-Jin Lee
Housing Impact Award
Background and Purpose: Members of HERA are committed to housing professionals who have greatly impacted the field of housing through their research, teaching and outreach. The HERA Award Committee established this award to recognize an active HERA member or team that has made significant contributions to the field of housing through a focused research, teaching, and/or outreach initiative.
- Applications may be submitted by an individual or a collaborative team.
- The applicant, or at least one member of a team, must be a current active member (not student) of HERA and have been a member of the organization for a minimum of three years.
- Self nominations are encouraged.
- Evidence of a significant contribution to the housing field through research, teaching, and/or outreach activities focused on a single housing issue or program. The efforts of the applicant may involve one or all of these areas.
- Evidence that the initiative or program involves a unique approach and sustained work over a significant period of time.
- Evidence that the initiative or program has been widely adopted by a large number of people, agencies, groups or institutions, and serves as a model program to address the stated issue.
- Evidence that the efforts have made a major impact on the housing field over time.
- The award will only be awarded if the Awards Committee deems a nomination is worthy of consideration.
Application should include the following:
- Nomination letter (self or other) highlighting the nominee’s/team’s expertise and housing initiative and its impact (1 page maximum).
- Application form: PDF or MS Word
- Vita for all individuals included in the nomination.
- Summary of the nominee’s (Individual or team) housing focus and activities including (4 pages maximum):
- Description of the nominee’s housing initiative summarizing the objectives, unique approach, and importance of the work.
- Description of how the program has impacted the field of housing and the extent of its adoption.
- Recognitions received for this program initiative.
- Two letters of support from persons familiar with the significance of the nominee’s housing initiative and its contribution to the field of housing (1 page maximum for each).
- A bibliography of materials that supports the nomination, including: refereed articles, published reviews, books or monographs, extension publications, presentations, and other ways in which the work has been disseminated, adopted and/or shared.
Award: The award recipients shall be recognized at the annual conference with a plaque or framed certificate acknowledging their accomplishments.
Submission: All submission materials should be submitted electronically by midnight June 30th of each year. Send to:
Sung-Jin Lee
The Extension Housing Outreach Award
Background and Purpose: This award is co-sponsored by HERA and Montana State University Extension – Housing & Environmental Health Program. Originally established in 2002 as a single award by Montana State University Extension and then later supported with a second award by HERA. The two awards are promoted and screened annually by the National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) and awarded at their annual conference. The award has been granted every year since 2002. Promotion and screening are done by NEAFCS and awarded at their conference (rather than by HERA). This recognition honors outstanding Extension System programming which enhances housing outreach to communities and special need families. Housing program areas that can be recognized include: universal design education, home buyer education, energy efficiency and weatherization education, home environmental quality education, equity protection education, housing public policy education, and special needs housing for the aging population, Native American, migrant workers and families with language barriers.
For more information about eligibility, judging criteria, and application instructions, go to: https://www.neafcs.org/awards-and-recognition.
Award: Two (2) $300 national awards will be awarded at the NEAFCS conference. The monetary award is to be used by the recipient to further develop Extension housing programs.
Tessie Agan Award
Eligibility: Open to graduate and undergraduate students who are enrolled at some time during the year of submission.
Paper Requirements:
- Type on 8.5 x 11 inch paper using Arial (12 point) type or font, double spaced.
- Margins should be one (1) inch.
- Paragraphs should be indented five (5) spaces.
- Page limit is 25 pages – including title page, abstract, references, tables and figures.
- Pages should be numbered at the bottom.
- Author’s name should appear only on the title page and the Application form.
- All style matters should be based on the 6th edition of the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association.
- Additional directions for submitting your paper are provided on the Application Form.
Tessie Agan Application Form (PDF)
Evaluation Criteria: Judges evaluate papers according to the following criteria. HERA reserves the right to make awards only if a sufficient number of quality entries are received.
- Significance or timeliness of topic.
- Contribution to the field of housing.
- Recognition of previous work.
- Appropriate methodology.
- Depth or thoroughness of treatment.
- Mechanics (readability, composition, form and style).
Graduate Award: $750 award presented at the HERA Annual Conference. Conference information is available on the website. Award is contingent upon attending the meeting and presenting the paper. Membership in HERA will be awarded to authors of the top three graduate papers.
Undergraduate Award: $250 award. Award winners are encouraged to submit their paper for publication in Housing & Society, the HERA Journal. Conference registration fees will be waived.
Submission: Electronic submission of paper and application form must be postmarked no later than midnight June 30th of the submission year to:
Sung-Jin Lee
International Ambassador Fellowship Award
Background and Purpose: The International Ambassador Fellowship is intended to provide assistance for a current HERA member to present work at an international conference. The objective is to support HERA members as they disseminate research findings and build professional networks, and to share information about HERA while extending membership to diverse housing educators and researchers.
- The applicant must be a current active member (not a student) of HERA and have been a member for a minimum of one year.
- Self nomination is encouraged.
- Potential contribution of international travel to the field of housing and the applicant’s professional growth and development.
- Preference will be given to assistant and associate professors to support efforts to build a record of effort and achievement.
- The award will be awarded if the Award Committee deems a nomination worthy of consideration. For example, the size and reputation of the conference; represents a new connection for HERA; etc.
Application should include the following:
- A 2-page vita
- An abstract of the research to be disseminated, and a brief explanation of the benefits to the applicant and to HERA (e.g. professional networks to be built and information to be shared regarding HERA).
- A detailed travel budget
- A copy of applicant’s notice of acceptance to present housing research
- A statement that the applicant commits to attending both the international conference and the next HERA annual conference.
- After attending the international conference, a short oral presentation summarizing the fellowship experience and its benefit to the applicant and HERA to be shared at the next HERA annual conference.
Award: The recipient shall receive an award of $1,000 to help defray the costs of international travel. This award is offered on a ‘rolling’ application basis. Application is encouraged at any time. Typically, one $1,000 award will be available each calendar year.
Submission: Applications should be submitted electronically, preferably at least eight weeks before the conference convenes. Applications will be reviewed by the Awards Committee, who will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors. Send application to:
Sung-Jin Lee
Past Award Recipients
Distinguished Service Award Recipients
Carla Earhart, Ball State University
Sarah Kirby, North Carolina State University
Katrin Anacker, George Mason University
Julia Beamish, Virginia Tech
Pamela Turner, University of Georgia
Becky Yust, University of Minnesota
Kathleen Parrott, Virginia Tech
Rosemary Carucci Goss, Virginia Tech
Claudette Reichel, Louisiana State University
Jorge Atiles, Oklahoma State University
Ken Tremblay, Colorado State University
Carmen Steggell, Oregon State University
Mike Vogel, Montana State University
No award was given.
Anne Sweaney, University of Georgia
Mary Yearns, Iowa State University
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
Dr. Shirley Niemeyer, University of Nebraska
Dr. Joseph Ponessa, Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Kenneth Tremblay Early Career Housing Award Recipients
Julie Irish, Iowa State University
Greg Galford, Virginia Tech
No award was given.
No award was given.
Daejin Kim, Iowa State University
No award was given.
Erin Hopkins, Virginia Tech
Hyun Joo Kwon, Purdue University
Martin Seay, Kansas State University
Sung-Jin Lee, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
Eunju Hwang, Virginia Tech
Kim Skobba, University of Georgia
Gina Peek, Oklahoma State University
Hyun-Jeong Lee, Chungbuk National University
Kimberly Mitchell, Virginia Tech
Mira Ahn, Texas State University
Katrin Anacker, George Mason University
Suk-Kyung Kim, Michigan State University
No award was given
Russell James, University of Georgia
Housing Impact Award Recipients
David Turcotte, UMass-Lowell
Becky Yust, University of Minnesota
Maplewood Mansion Learning Lab, Ball State
Village Promenade Learning Lab Project Team:
Dr. Carla Earhart; Dr. Sotiris Hji-Avgoustis, Mr. David Martin & Dr. Dina Marie Zemke
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
Karen Tinsley, University of Georgia
Ann Ziebarth, University of Minnesota
North Carolina State University, Sarah Kirby
eXtension Home Energy Community of Practice Leadership Team
Virginia Tech Team: JoAnn Emmel, Julia Beamish, Kathleen Parrott
Bill Angell, University of Minnesota
Mike Vogel, Montana State University
Carla Earhart, Howard Campbell, Sue Whitaker – Ball State University
Rosemary Carucci Goss, Virginia Tech
No award was given
Lucy Delgadillo, Utah State University
Claudette Reichel, Louisiana State University
Secondary Education Housing Teaching Award Recipients
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
Sarah Kirby, North Carolina State University
No award was given.
Natasha Knight, Ball State University
No award was given.
Alyson McIntyre-Reiger, Indiana Department of Education
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
Deborah Coulter, West Carteret High School,
Morehead City, North Carolina
Extension Housing Outreach Award Recipients
Jill Breslawski & Team, Florida
Susan Moore & Team, Georgia
Laurie Osgood & Team, Florida
Lee Hayes Bryon & Team, Florida
No award was given.
Lisa Hamilton & Team, Florida
Beth Stefura & Team, Ohio
No award was given.
Melanie Thomas, Florida
Alivia Faris, Kentucky
Erica Tobe and team (Michigan)
Jayne McBurney (North Carolina)
Denise Wooley (Kentucky)
Theresa Allan (Tennessee) & Jennifer Abel (Virginia)
No award was given
North Carolina State University Extension Team:
Sarah Kirby, NC State
Peggie Garner, Onslow County
Deborah Taylor, Orange County
Dee Furlough, Tyrrell County
Leigh Guth, Lincoln County
Deborah McGiffon, Durham County
Debbie Cox, Stokes County
Deborah Womack, Forsyth County
Nancy Abasiekong, Cleveland County
Crystal Smith, Warren County
Rachel Monteverdi, Warren County
Kelly Beasley, Craven County
Shenille Ford, Greene County
Candace Murray, Wilson County
Jeannie Leonard, Davidson County
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
Jeanne Brandt (Oregon)
Marilyn K. Kooiker (Wisconsin)
University of Georgia Radon Team:
Becky M. Chenhall, Jorge H. Atiles, Ginger Bennett, Joyce Habegger and Penny Thompson Keller
Marcy Krumbine (Florida)
Pamela D. Lincoln, Gussie McConnell, Linda Baxter (Texas)
Rebecca Versch, Shirley M. Niemeyer (Nebraska)
Zoe S. James, Birdie Crosby, Beth Judge (South Carolina)
Guadalupe F. Landeros (Texas)
Elaine W. Whitaker, Olivia Simpson, Marilyn C. Wells (North Carolina)
Margaret Grenell Rogers, Beverly P. Lewis, Patricia S. Draper, Patricia Owner, Cynthia S. Wilson, Allegra Brigham, Patsillu Reeves (Mississippi)
Tessie Agan Award Recipients
Undergraduate Winner: Hannah Hays, Ball State University
Graduate Winner: Michael Gawrys, Virginia Tech
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
Olivia Garber, Virginia Tech
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
Undergraduate Winner: Linda Kay Zierof, Bowling Green State University
Undergraduate Winner: Samantha Meyer, Bowling Green State University
Graduate Winner: Rachel Bogardus Drew, University of Massachusetts – Boston
Undergraduate Winner: Brittany Just, University of Minnesota
Graduate Winner: Andrea Bentzinger, Iowa state University
Undergraduate Winner: Kevin Reza, University of Minnesota
Graduate Winner: Terry Fields, Ball State University
Undergraduate Winner: Krista Skogland, University of Minnesota
Graduate Winner: Leslie Green-Pimental, University of Georgia
Graduate Winner: Sung-Jin Lee, Virginia Tech
No award was given.
Graduate Winner: Laura Lien, University of Minnesota
Undergraduate Winner: Christine Ann Crumm, University of Minnesota
Graduate Winner: Toskiko Yamamoto, Oregon State University
Graduate Winner: Luke Erickson, Utah State University
Undergraduate Winner: Luke Erickson, Utah State University
Graduate Winner: Hyun-Jeong Lee, Virginia Tech
Undergraduate Winner: Dale Walker, Iowa State University
Graduate Winner: Dongwang Liu, Iowa State University
No award was given.
Graduate Winner: Thessalenuere Hinnant-Bernard, North Carolina A&T University
Undergraduate Winner: Felecia Sazama, University of Minnesota
International Ambassador Fellowship Award Recipients
No award was given.
No award was given.
No award was given.
Carla Earhart, Ball State University
No award was given.
Katrin Anacker, George Mason University
No award was given.
Eunju Hwang (Team Leader), Virginia Tech
Hyun Joo Kwon, Purdue University
Sung-Jin Lee, North Carolina A&T
Mira Ahn, Texas State University
Julia Beamish, Virginia Tech
Kathleen Parrott, Virginia Tech
Margaret Carneal, Virginia Tech
Suk-Kyung Kim, Michigan State University
No award was given.
Katrin Anacker, George Mason University
Lucy Delgadillo, Utah State University