Our Publications
Housing and Society Journal

The Journal supports the mission of HERA by providing for the dissemination of housing research and other scholarly work. Submissions from a broad range of perspectives are encouraged. Past topics included aging in place, zero-energy homes, adaptive reuse of prisons, housing satisfaction, foreclosure, sustainable housing, healthy housing, cohousing, housing affordability, multifamily housing and kitchen design. A subscription to Housing and Society is included with membership to HERA.
Introduction to Housing (2nd Edition)

A comprehensive approach to understanding housing in the United States and abroad
This foundational text for understanding housing, housing design, homeownership, housing policy, special topics in housing, and housing in a global context has been comprehensively revised to reflect the housing situation in the United States during and after the Great Recession and its subsequent movements toward recovery. The book focuses on the complexities of housing and housing-related issues, engendering an understanding of housing, its relationship to national economic factors, and housing policies. It comprises individual chapters written by housing experts who have specialization within the discipline or field, offering content that provides commentary on the physical, social, psychological, economic, and policy issues that affect the current housing landscape in the United States and abroad, while offering solutions to its challenges.
Edited by Katrin B. Anacker (George Mason University), Andrew T. Carswell (University of Georgia), Sarah D. Kirby (North Carolina State University), and Kenneth R. Tremblay (Colorado State University)