Become a Member of HERA!

Member Benefits

HERA members are comprised of a diverse network of housing professionals, including researchers, educators, extension professionals, designers, administrators, and students exploring the many facets of housing.  There are many benefits to joining, including:

  • Subscription to our flagship journal, Housing and Society
  • Discounted registration for the HERA Annual conference
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Award and scholarship opportunities
  • Networking and collaboration with other professionals

ACTIVE – Any person/organization interested in the purposes of HERA is eligible for active/affiliate member-ship. These members have voting privileges and receive the Housing and Society journal. Organizations will have one person designated as the group’s representative and receive the journal and voting membership. (Libraries are not eligible).

STUDENT – Persons enrolled as students on at least a half-time basis are eligible for student membership. Stu-dent members receive the Housing and Society journal but do not have voting privileges. (Former active members who return to student status during graduate study do not lose their voting rights.)

EMERITUS – Any retired person (over age 65) who was formerly an active member may join as an emeritus member with all the benefits and privileges of active membership.

Membership Signup

Membership Year is January 1st to December 31st.

Online MEMBERSHIP FORM (click here)

Printable Membership Form (PDF)  (DOC)

Active Membership


Active Membership

Emeritus Membership

Emeritus Membership

Student Membership

Student Membership Options

Leadership Opportunities

There are three professional sections in HERA – Academic, Extension and Research. To learn more about becoming involved with one of the sections or on a committee contact the chairperson. A list of chairs, officers and board members may be found on the “About HERA” page.